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Online gambling law raises criticism in the US
14 Dec 2024
The congress has held a meeting with the banning law as one of the subjects held. Last week a major US newspaper stated that the law is a great move done by the US. Well some think other wise. Online gambling law is not anyone’s loved son. The contrary, if I might add – the online gambling law, was supposed to clean up the online casinos reputation. And it has not. The online gambling companied just passed it, as found new fields to invest in. this has indeed damaged the casinos, though.
Many people say that’s it’s a double standard and if it was so awful – the European industry would suffer from similar laws. The fact is that online gambling financial center will now be in the UK, but that’s does not calls quit on American online casinos. All they have to do is make the changes in online gambling inside the US. The changes will include moving some of the online casinos to a European based URL, and theirs is your so called double standard. This pops up in parallel to the fact that most online gambling companies want to be regulated under the supervision of the British government!
Online gambling industry has adjusted to the new situation within weeks, and some of the casinos are now linked to the UK. The problem is what has the law really done for the US citizens? I don’t think that the cognitive process the US officials had while making this law sketch, is similar to that the British people are doing to make sure their online gambling industry will be good and wholesome.