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Online gambling law – what do people think of it?

Gambling News> Online Gambling Archive> 2006> November> Online gambling law – what do people think of it?

Online gambling law – what do people think of it?
30 20242006

Two month ago US president George Bush signed the law that does not allow the wagers to play on credit money. This law has changed everything. First some of the classic online gambling was stopped in the States and wagers need to look them up in some other places. Then some new games were entered to pass the law – those games are legal and are not considered as online gambling. The new games are good for many people, but let’s say they are not the top of the list for the major presetage of the gamers – meaning most of them still prefer poker on trivia.

The US law has created a shock wave in the online gambling world. This week a Scottish news paper gave a massive support of the law – the fist time in those two months something like that is done publicly. But it also has made some changed. Some academic circles made a rush in the field. They say the regulation is the better solution of the problematic online casinos. They have started a major discussion in their countries, which include the UK and Canada, stating it is better of seeing the online gambling industry legal, under supervision and paying major taxes sum to the country, instead of the lame duck called US online gambling industry, which is as the Yiddish saying states – nischt a hir and nischt a hir – not here and not there.

The US has enforced this law two months ago, and in a parallel road – the British colleagues have started a debate on whether they regulate the online gambling industry or not. Britain is not the only country; Canada and Costa Rica consider the same anti American enterprise as well. This kind of supportive article makes a very new opinion in the British country and only makes the online gambling world more interesting.
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